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[ What was New in 1998 ] [ What was New in 1999 ] [ What was New in 2000 ]
What was New in 1998
Web Changes on Pendle.Net - 1998
This is a log of the changes made in 1998.
 | 31 December 1998
- Internet News - Today we have, How to buy your religious relics online!,
Holiday e-commerce 3X last year, Victoria's Success, and how we have made some
progress with getting our schools wired
but there's still miles to go - see what one US schools is doing.
- Changes to the Barrowford page.
 | 30 December 1998
- We're maintaining a list of UK nationwide
retailers that are online. If you know any that we have missed or would like to
add a new one, please email us: webmaster@pendle.net
- Walton Lane Nursery School home and Xmas Concert pages, more changes.
- Changes to the Barrowford page. Gone are the many
graphics at the top of the page. It's a not in keeping with our site theme but we
think that the sacrifice of esthetics and familiarity for speed of access are a necessary.
We will replicate this throughout the regional pages if this concept works.
Please email any feedback to webmaster@pendle.net
- A new event added to the January section
of What's On.
 | 22 December 1998
- Internet News - Today we have, Dixons Shares Rocket, "Customers.com", UK Missing Kids is now online, how to win the Lottery, more UK shops online, and finally, what to do after too much seasonal festivity!
- Walton Lane Nursery School home and Xmas Concert pages, more changes.
- Changes to the Barrowford page.
 | 20 December 1998
- Walton Lane Nursery School home and Xmas Concert pages
- Changes to the Barrowford page.
 | 19 December 1998
- Internet news. Online
Wedding on New Year's Eve, news from "the
other side" direct from Baghdad.
- Changes to the Barrowford page.
 | 18 December 1998
- Internet news. Richard
Branson's latest hot air balloon trip, E-Commerce figures re-evaluated, Iraq on the net?
 | 17 December 1998
- Internet news. NORAD Satellites will track Santa on
the 24th/25th, Surf's up and so is spending,
check out an undesirable element of the Net, giving to the hated, send an E-CARD to that special person.
- How to make Pendle.Net your Home Page.
See button at bottom of page (we will redesign it soon).
- Updated the Embsay & Bolton Steam Railway page.
- Several spelling errors corrected here and there.
- Subtle change of main page title.
- The Paul McCartney broadcast was,
interesting. Now I know how to make mashed potatoes and my grandmother learned the
art of sucking eggs too :-)
 | 16 December 1998
- Internet news. Today - UK government put it's weight behind e-commerce
- more money available for businesses!, AOL Shoppers - more of them and they spend more,
Linux version of WordPerfect 8 for free,
whole movies via the Net, and Paul McCartney will appear for a Live Broadcast on
the Net on Thursday night (1900). Oh, and BTW, the bombing of Iraq started again.
 | 15 December 1998
- Internet news. Today - Samaritans Xmas Ad Shocker, Yahoo! and the Palm Pilot, yet more good news for online retailers, I-Junkies... Women!, and, does web advertising really work?.
- The Lancashire Police have finally got the links on their web site working so we have
updated the Useful Contacts page accordingly.
 | 14 December 1998
- Internet news. Today - New re-vamped Sainsburys opens, have whine about delays on Virgin Trains and more, check out the online days of action you just missed, the new
Internet Desktop Revolution, Google! (what's that?), Gift Search engines, all about online customer loyalty, more UK stores online, and a few Seasonal Sites.
 | 13 December 1998
- Pendle.Net today took a stand against the proposed legislation that British Government
plans to pass to control how data is encrypted on the Net. See our link, @dopting Gordon Prentice, at the bottom this page.
- Internet news - Another busy day(s). Biggest item
- Take a Stand against the government's crypto
legislation. Also in today's news... 10%
of shopping is online, how E-Greeting Cards
are throttling the net, it's all go for GO Network
(well almost), how voting in Florida may soon be
online, breaking into cars with your Palm
Pilot, and finally, how much we take the Net for granted - a look at access in India.
- Updates to the Politics page with more information &
links about our MP and a note about the Stand campaign.
- New Entertainment in Pendle Links page.
- Several more business links.
- Christmas Concert at Barrowford
County Primary School (pictures).
 | 10 December 1998
- Internet news - Lots today. Biggest item - its
the 50th Anniversary - Universal Declaration of Human
Rights. Also in the news today, Online
Surgery, Infoseek stops adult ads, WebDAV - new web standard, more e-commerce news (latest figures), 33% of households online by 2003, The News in 10 minutes, oops - the mouse was 30 yesterday, and finally... the
Linux Beer Hike :-)
 | 09 December 1998
- Internet news - All about Palm Pilots today. The Pilot Newspaper, Pilot for Kids?, and how Pilots will dominate the hand held market for
the next few years.
 | 08 December 1998
- Internet news - Java 2
is here!, AT&T buy IBM Global Networks, New Net Czar in the US, 2.4M UK Children use the Net, Advertisers' Warning #1, Advertisers' Warning #2, Shipping Boom. Lots of links and examples too.
- Minor bandwidth improvements to the individual town/village pages.
- A link to the NCH Action for Children's A Parent's Guide to the
 | 07 December 1998
- Internet news - Today we look at In-Car PCs, £3M for
Libraries, Missing Kids on the Net, Online Psychotherapy, UK E-commerce Hypergrowth, it's called Gecko - the rumors about the new Netscape engine were
correct. Did you realize that today is the 30th birthday of... the Mouse! Lots of links and examples as always.
 | 06 December 1998
- Internet news - Today we look at Toddler-Proof Computing - New from IBM/Little Tikes,
More MP3/Rio News - Countersuit!, New Netscape 5.0 Layout Engine, E-Commerce Boom - creaks & groans, New Study - Internet Now Essential. Lots of
links and examples as always.
- Several broken links fixed.
 | 05 December 1998
- Internet news - Today we look at The New Internet Czar, Free Internet access for small businesses, US Online Sales looking good for November, E-Glamour - the world of online Lingerie, and why Branding is the most important thing you need to do.
Lots of links and examples as always.
- Links to Indian Food Recipe sites.
 | 03 December 1998
- Internet news - latest developments that are going to
change the Internet. Today read about the new Palm VII and Dixon's selling the Rio
MP3 player. Old articles also available.
- More FREE Internet Service providers join the throng - see our table of providers
 | 02 December 1998
- New Feature: Internet news - latest
developments that are going to change the Internet. Old articles will also remain available.
- New section for Dining Out of Pendle - excellent
review of restaurants in Preston by Simon Howarth.
 | 30 November 1998
- New Feature: Internet news - latest
developments that are going to change the Internet.
- List of Libraries in Pendle (and opening hours/contact
 | 29 November 1998
- Redesigned, faster loading, front page.
- How to contact Pendle.Net now has a page of its own.
- New place holder page for Recreation & Sports section with
Sports and Outdoor
Pursuits sections (so far).
- Online Businesses in Pendle has been reorganized to
make it more usable.
 | 28 November 1998
- Information about FREE Internet Service Providers and how
Pendle.Net can provide a stable POP3/IMAP4 mailbox(es) so that you are not dependent on a
single ISP.
- Additional information on the Barrowford page.
 | 18 November 1998
- Several typo corrections (thanks, Alan :-))
- Several corrections and new material for the Wallace
Hartley page (thanks to Ursula Schairer).
- A few more site bandwidth improvements.
 | 11 October 1998
- New, faster loading front page (less graphics).
- Search field has gone from the front page - it has a page of its
own now.
- Pictures of Barrowford Show are now there, at last!
- Apologies to all for the slow response of people at Pendle.Net to you - we've been
extremely busy with the Blues Festival and
with our corporate network consultancy (pays the
real money!).
- Things we intend to do in the coming months...
 | Complete tidy up of Pendle.Net
 | We will work out what our primary focus is and do it! |
 | Site navigation will become easier to follow (it is a
bit nebulous at the moment - a reflection of our lack of focus at the moment, sorry
folks). |
 | We should see some Pendle.Net partners
appearing in the next few months. |
 | Start the roll out of FREE Pendle.Net (and
associated domains) mail boxes. |
 | We've had a whole lot of suggestions from people mailing them in.
We haven't forgotten you, they're all up for consideration - keep 'em
coming! |
 | 26 August 1998
- New Blues Festival Site is really
going fine now!
- New page for Barrowford Show - Saturday, 29 Aug 1998
Nothing there yet, more to be added after the wee
 | 09 August 1998
- New Blues Festival Site now live!
- Old one removed from Pendle.Net
 | 08 August 1998
- HotBot now has www.pendle.net listed.
- We have now split off the www.blues-festival.com
site so that it is now independent of pendle.net - later this weekend we should have all
this live (there's a place holder there at the moment).
 | 05 August 1998
- Cat's out of the bag now...
Registered www.Blues-Festival.com with:
- Yahoo - now live!
- HotBot - now live!
Registered www.pendle.net with:
- HotBot
- AltaVista
- Excite
- Infoseek
- Lycos
- Yahoo (still pending!)
 | 03 August 1998
- Tidied up "On our doorstep" pages.
- Tidied up some of the Blues Festival pages.
- Received acknowledgement for www.Blues-Festival.com
from Yahoo
- and we are now listed in the "What's New"
- Submitted Blues Festival to HotBot.
The rest will follow this week. Press release will go out this week.
 | 26 July 1998
- Heaps more stuff on the Blues Festival site.
- Few extra "On our doorstep" pages
& links.
 | 24 July 1998
- We now have a draft press release - please email
your comments ASAP (it will go out next week!)
- Some minor alterations and tidying up.
- Some more contact information & meta-tags for the Blues Festival page
- More sections for the Blues Festival, like How to Get to Colne
 | 21 July 1998
- The "help image" JavaScript is removed until we get it working with all major
- Keithley & Worth Valley Railway on the Attractions -> On Our Doorstep
Businessinfo.co.uk now have a
graphic link on the Business page encouraging
people to register their business with them.
- Several businesses added to the Business Page and
various other pages.
- Replaced the animated R&B banner for a smaller sized graphic, for now.
 | 19 July 1998
- The JavaScript now detects for Netscape > 3 (IE has a problem)
- Lots more pages on the Attractions -> On Our
- Info on the Embsay Railway off On Our Doorstep
- Tidied up the Navigation Links at the top of each page of the web.
 | 11 July 1998
- Redesign of front page, with JavaScript.
- Altered the "Alt" tags for the search engines.
- Added map links to as many regional pages as
- Added Navigation Links at the top of each page of the web (see Jakob Nielsen's site)
- All towns/villages have pictures now.
 | 06 July 1998
- Most of the villages/towns have pictures and some information now (just Reedley,
Laneshawbridge and Wycoller left to do). Plenty more info needed but it's a start.
- Posted info about Pendle.Net to Yahoo today (1st "public"
annoucement) - let's
see if we get in and how long it takes - they have a reputation for being quite choosey
these days.
- Fine tuned some of the meta tags in line with submit-it.com suggestions.
 | 02 July 1998
- Moved What's New to its own page - now on the side bar.
- Altered the mission statement to include the concept of CyberHome
- something we hope to develop further in the coming months.
- We are currently looking at an arrangement that may enable us to offer FREE
email addresses to people residing in Pendle (or equivalent sibling sites).
We should have more information on this soon.
- We've been delayed in the "Search Engine" launch due to other commitments to
 | 30 June 1998
- Completely overhauled the front page again.
- Just about ready to launch to Search Engines on 1 July 1998
- Press Release is a bit behind - will complete this weekend.
 | 27 June 1998
- Moved "What's New" history to News.
Only the latest will appear here from now on.
- Removed "Warning" from top bar and put in "Disclaimer" in footnote.
- Completely overhauled the front page - it's not right yet, still working on it...
 | 21 June 1998
- The FP98 server extensions (etc.) all appear to be working now.
- Added info in the About Pendle section including an attractions section, and information about the Quakers.
- Lots of small bits added/corrected to pages all over, some tidying up, etc.
- We're starting the process of adding meta-tags in readiness for "Search
Engine" launch.
- Our intention is to make this site as accessible as possible by the greatest number of
people. For this reason we are deliberately avoiding the use of browser specific
features, frames (unless absolutely necessary), Java (though we may add some Java to some
pages) and any plugins that are not native to most browsers (like Shockwave, etc.).
We support the AnyBrowser campaign.
 | 06 June 1998
- Some of the FP98 extension problems seem to have been fixed, however a side effect of
this has been that most of the internal graphics links have been lost! These are now
restored (13.15 BST).
- Some more information about the villages & towns has
been added.
 | 02 June 1998
- The Community Discussion Web has been
added. Here you can start or contribute to conversations in Pendle.Net This,
of course will only work when we get server extensions working. I'll let you know
when all this is working, Andrew.
- We now have a new domain alias www.blues-festival.com
to cover the The Great British R&B Festival held annually in Colne. Please send
any mail about this site to BluesDude@blues-festival.com
- Our sister sites, www.burnley.net, www.bury.net, www.clitheroe.net,
and www.rochdale.net, are now in gestation.
Please contact the webmaster at these sites for more information and/or to get involved in
their development. Birthdates have not yet been set for these sites. Contact:
webmaster@burnley.net, webmaster@bury.net, webmaster@clitheroe.net, and webmaster@rochdale.net, respectively.
- Pricing for POP3 mailboxes (including SMTP access for sending mail) in
any of these domains is £5/month/mailbox (quantity discounts available). Contact sales@pendle.net (or equivalent in the other domains,
if you wish) for more info. (Mailboxes in colne.net are also available.) We're
also looking at allowing (at no extra charge) each mailbox 1Mb of Web Space for personal
- Pricing for sub-domains (e.g. yourcompanyname.pendle.net) is yet to be
set. The pricing will also include unlimited mail ids (e.g.
anyone@yourcompanyname.pendle.net). We're also still working on pricing for full
domains with web space and consultancy services.
 | 31 May 1998
- Thanks for all your feedback. We have now set a launch date of 1
July 1998. Those of you with material for the site please try and get it
to us before 25 June 1998, thanx.
- There has been a substantial re-organization of the site structure this week end.
Many of the links you may have had to pages in the web will now be broken. The
pages are still there, just in a different place.
- We still don't have the counter, search engine and feedback forms working yet - we're
working with our ISP to fix this.
